Christine Nasserghodsi
3 min readMar 30, 2023

My boys were home for spring break recently, and having claimed not to have gamed at all with their friends while at boarding school, they immersed themselves in playing with their friends online. Along with the familiar shouts of excitement from their room came the equally familiar sound of my husband complaining that they game too much. It drives me crazy too sometimes, until I remember that the boys have pretty balanced lives overall.

In those moments, I can listen to them play and appreciate the speed of their thought, their ability to communicate and collaborate with remote teams, and quickly solve problems. These are all skills that I hire for, and I know I am not alone. They are also skills that are easy to see or hear in action, but hard to assess in an interview.

At the same time, two of the junior consultants I mentor were recently screened for jobs with elite consulting firms through game-like experiences, and I learned that data science trainees I work with entered their program through a similar process. This brings me to the topic of the gamification inrecruitment, an innovative approach to talent acquisition that has the potential to transform the hiring landscape. By integrating game-like experiences into the recruitment process, organizations can not only make the experience more enjoyable for both recruiters and candidates, but also evaluate the very skills my boys show when playing with their friends.

Traditional recruitment methods, such as resumes and interviews, have limitations in assessing a candidate’s true capabilities. They often fail to capture the nuances of skills like problem-solving, creativity, and communication. Gamification addresses this gap by providing an immersive and interactive environment for candidates to demonstrate these skills and more.

Gamified recruitment platforms use tools like simulations, virtual reality (VR) experiences, or interactive quizzes to assess a candidate’s abilities. This allows organizations to tap into the same skills that my boys have been honing during their gaming sessions, making the hiring process more effective and accurate.

The benefits of gamification in recruitment are numerous:

  1. Improved Candidate Assessment: Gamification allows for objective, data-driven insights about a candidate’s performance, leading to more informed hiring decisions.
  2. Enhanced Candidate Engagement: By making the recruitment process more enjoyable and immersive, gamified platforms keep candidates engaged and increase completion rates.
  3. Reduced Bias: Focusing on skills and performance rather than traditional factors such as appearance or background helps level the playing field and minimize unconscious bias in the hiring process.
  4. Employer Branding: A unique and enjoyable recruitment experience can set your organization apart from competitors, attracting top talent.

The adoption of gamified recruitment by elite consulting firms and data science training programs demonstrates the growing recognition of its potential to not only create a more engaging and effective hiring process but also assess critical skills in action. The future of recruitment is here, and it’s time for organizations to level up their game.

Photo by Mateo on Unsplash